Terms & Conditions


Taboo Travel j.d.o.o., here in after referred to as the Agency, guarantees the implementation of the travel program. These conditions apply to all services that the Agency provides to Clients. Therefore, the client is obliged to read the terms and conditions before booking and confirmation.


Most Agency tours/excursions/transfers are booked immediately due to dates and availability.
The deposit is 30% of the total amount of the excursion

Some of the Agency’s tours/excursions/transfers require confirmation before debiting the client’s credit card. Therefore, the client will receive an email message with the status of the reservation and pending payment.

The Agency reserves the right to confirm or cancel the client’s reservation due to current availability and other circumstances.

If the client wants to pay by bank transfer, the client should contact the Agency.

The client can also make a reservation and pay directly through licensed agents.


The Agency reserves the right to change prices in case of drastic changes in entry prices and other services.
Agency tour prices are expressed in euros, the official Croatian currency.


ALL cancellations must be in writing and sent to the Agency by email to info@tabootravel.hr with the subject CANCELLATION or Taboo Travel’s official WhatsApp.

If the client needs to cancel or abandon the booked tour/excursion/transfer, all cancellations must be in writing, emailed, or on the official WhatsApp. The date of written cancellation is the basis for reimbursement of cancellation costs, according to the conditions stated below (percentage of the total price of the arrangement):

8 or more days before arrival: 0% – If the Client cancels the tour/excursion/transfer 8 or more days before departure for the tour/excursion/transfers, he is entitled to a full refund.

2-7 days before arrival: 30% – If the Client cancels the tour/excursion/transfer 2-7 days before departure, he is entitled to a refund of 50% of the funds paid. (In this case, resellers do not retain their booking fee).

24 hours before arrival or non-arrival: 100% – Clients who cancel a tour/excursion/transfer within 24 hours before departure for a tour/excursion/transfer, or do not arrive at the place of departure at the time indicated on the ticket program or voucher, are not entitled to refund money.

Failure to attend a tour/excursion/transfer without prior cancellation entitles the Agency to retain 100% of the payment made, regardless of the reason for the cancellation.

Agency tours/excursions/transfers are subject to change depending on the possibilities and preferences of the group, as well as weather conditions, water level, special events, extraordinary circumstances that cannot be avoided or removed, and the like. Therefore, for the safety and comfort of the client, the Agency reserves the right to change the program without prior notice.

In case of significant changes or cancellation of certain tours/excursions/transfers booked by the client, the Agency will inform the client as soon as possible and provide the following options:

a) The client can accept a new departure date or destination
b) The client can accept a tour/excursion/transfer of the same or closely similar activities
c) The client can altogether cancel his reservation and get a full refund of the money paid

The client has to notify the Agency of the decision within 1 day of the offer. The Agency will book a replacement tour/excursion/transfer if the client does not. In this case, the client waives the right to appeal against the travel organizer or intermediary on any legal basis.

Suppose the client is prevented from starting the tour/excursion/transfers. In that case, he can appoint a third person as a substitute passenger to use the contracted services, of which he is obliged to inform the Agency in writing. The Agency will accept a third person named as a replacement passenger if he is notified in time if the third person meets all the prescribed conditions for travel or transfer.

The Agency reserves the right to cancel the trip if the required minimum number of guests for each tour/excursion/transfer (specified in the excursion description) needs to be met. In this case, the client will receive a full refund of the money paid.

The Agency can postpone the tour/excursion/transfer in case of extreme weather conditions, exceptional circumstances that could not be predicted or avoided, or occurred immediately. The activity is moved by a day or two – before or after the booked date.

If the change is not possible, the client will receive a refund of the entire payment.


For tours/excursions/transfers organized by the Agency, Taboo Travel j.d.o.o. is insured by HOK OSIGURANJE – an insurance company.

The prices of tours/excursions/transfers do not include Insurance against the loss of luggage and the risk of damage. Prices they also do not have voluntary health insurance.

Taboo Travel advises clients to purchase travel cancellation insurance, travel accident and illness insurance, luggage damage and loss insurance, voluntary health insurance for travel and stay abroad, and Insurance for assistance and return to the place of departure in case of accidents or illnesses. The abovementioned insurances can be purchased directly from the insurer and at the Client’s choice.

Taboo Travel j.d.o.o. by the Law, he has paid Insurance against liability caused to the passenger by non-fulfilment, partial fulfilment or improper fulfilment of obligations for damage related to the package deal.

The abovementioned insurances apply only if Taboo Travel j.d.o.o.

Tour/excursion/transfer organizer.


The Client provides his personal data voluntarily.

The Client’s personal data is necessary to implement the requested service and will be used exclusively by the Agency.

During the booking process, all Agency Clients are asked for personal data that is never shared with a third party and is used only by Taboo Travel.


Without undue delay and considering the circumstances, the Client is obliged to notify the Agency of all non-conformities established during the tour/excursion/transfer.

The Agency undertakes to resolve all complaints by applicable laws and these General Terms and Conditions.

The Client is invited to contact his tour manager/guide or representative immediately if the tour/excursion/transfer needs to be completed or performed below standard.

The Agency will consider refund requests only valid if the Agency is notified in time.
All refund requests must be submitted to the Agency in writing, within 2 days of the end of the program, to the email: info@tabootravel.hr

The Client has the right to a refund in the amount of the real value of the services that were not provided, while the maximum possible refund per complaint can be the full price of the program. The Client will waive the right to ideal compensation. All potential disputes come under the jurisdiction of the Court in Split.


The Client and the Agency will try to resolve any disputes amicably. However, unreached agreements become subject to the jurisdiction of the Court in Split – according to the laws of the Republic of Croatia.



Taboo Travel j.d.o.o., u daljnjem tekstu Agencija, jamči provedbu programa putovanja. Ovi uvjeti primjenjuju se na sve usluge koje Agencija pruža Klijentima. Klijent je dužan pročitati uvjete i odredbe prije rezervacije i potvrde.


Većina Agencijskih tura/izleta/transfera rezerviraju se odmah zbog datuma i raspoloživosti.

Depozit iznosi 30% od ukupnog iznosa izleta

Neki od Agencijskih tura/izleta/transfera zahtijevaju potvrdu prije terećenja Klijentove kreditne kartice. Dakle, Klijent će primiti email poruku sa statusom rezervacije i naplate na čekanju.

Agencija zadržava pravo potvrditi ili otkazati Klijentovu rezervaciju zbog trenutne raspoloživosti i drugih okolnosti.

Ako Klijent želi platiti bankovnom doznakom, Klijent treba kontaktirati Agenciju.

Klijent također može napraviti rezervaciju i platiti izravno putem licenciranih agenata.


Agencija zadržava pravo izmjene cijena u slučaju drastične promjene ulaznih cijena i ostalih usluga.

Cijene Agencijskih tura izražene su u eurima, službenoj hrvatskoj valuti.


SVI otkazi moraju biti u pisanom obliku i poslani Agenciji emailom na adresu info@tabootravel.hr s naslovom OTKAZ ili na službeni WhatsApp Taboo Travela.

Ako Klijent treba otkazati ili odustati od rezervirane ture/izleta/transfera, svi otkazi moraju biti u pisanom obliku i poslani emailom ili na službeni WhatsApp . Datum pisanog otkaza osnova je za naknadu troškova otkaza, prema dolje navedenim uvjetima (postotak ukupne cijene aranžmana):

8 ili više dana prije dolaska: 0% – Ako Klijent otkaže turu/izlet/transfer 8 ili više dana prije polaska na turu/izlet/transfere ima pravo na povrat novca u cijelosti.

2-7 dana prije dolaska: 30°% – Ako Klijent otkaže turu/izlet/transfer 2-7 dana prije polaska, ima pravo na povrat 50% uplaćenih sredstava. (U ovom slučaju preprodavači ne zadržavaju svoju naknadu za rezervaciju).

24 sata prije dolaska ili nedolazak: 100% – Klijent koji otkaže turu/izlet/transfer unutar 24 sata prije polaska na turu/izlet/transfer, ili ne stigne na mjesto polaska u vrijeme naznačeno na ulaznici, programu ili vaučer, nemaju pravo na povrat novca.

Nedolazak na turu/izlet/transfer bez prethodnog otkazivanja daje pravo Agenciji da zadrži 100% izvršene uplate bez obzira na razlog otkazivanja.

Agencijske ture/izleti/transferi podložni su promjenama ovisno o mogućnostima i preferencijama grupe, ali i vremenskim uvjetima, vodostaju, posebnim događajima, izvanrednim okolnostima koje se ne mogu izbjeći ili otkloniti i slično. Iz razloga sigurnosti i udobnosti Klijenta, Agencija zadržava pravo izmjene programa bez prethodne najave.

U slučaju većih promjena ili otkazivanja određenih tura/izleta/transfera koje je rezervirao Klijent, Agencija će obavijestiti Klijenta u najkraćem mogućem roku i pružiti sljedeće mogućnosti:

a) Klijent može prihvatiti novi datum polaska ili odredište
b) Klijent može prihvatiti turu/izlet/transfer jednake ili blisko slične aktivnosti
c) Klijent može u potpunosti otkazati svoju rezervaciju i dobiti puni povrat uplaćenog novca

Dužnost Klijenta je obavijestiti Agenciju o odluci u roku od 1 dana od ponude.

Ukoliko Klijent to ne učini, Agencija će rezervirati zamjensku turu/izlet/transfer. U tom slučaju Klijent se odriče prava naknadne i žalbe protiv organizatora putovanja ili posrednika na bilo kojoj zakonskoj osnovi.

Ako je Klijent spriječen započeti s turom/izletom/transferima, tada može imenovati treću osobu kao zamjenskog putnika za korištenje ugovorenih usluga, o čemu je dužan pisanim putem obavijestiti Agenciju. Agencija će prihvatiti treću osobu imenovanu kao zamjenskog putnika ako je pravodobno obaviješten, ako treća osoba ispunjava sve propisane uvjete za putovanje ili transfer.

Agencija zadržava pravo otkazati putovanje ako se ne ispuni potreban minimalni broj gostiju za svaku turu/izlet/transfer (navedeno u opisu izleta) te će, u tom slučaju, Klijent dobiti puni povrat uplaćenog novca.

Agencija može odgoditi turu/izlet/transfer u slučaju ekstremnih vremenskih uvjeta, iznimnih okolnosti koje se nisu mogle predvidjeti ili izbjeći, ili su nastupile odmah. Aktivnost se zatim pomiče za dan ili dva – prije ili nakon rezerviranog datuma.
Ako promjena nije moguća, Klijent će dobiti povrat cjelokupne uplate.


Za ture/izlete/transfere u organizaciji Agencije, Taboo Travel j.d.o.o. je osiguran kod HOK OSIGURANJE – osiguravajućeg društva.

Cijene tura/izleta/transfera ne uključuju osiguranje od gubitka prtljage te rizik od nastanka štete.  Cijene također ne uključuju dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje.

Taboo Travel savjetuje klijentima da kupe osiguranje od otkaza putovanja, osiguranje od rizika nesreće i bolesti na putovanju, osiguranje od rizika oštećenja i gubitka prtljage, dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje za vrijeme putovanja i boravka u inozemstvu te osiguranje troškova za pomoć i povratak u mjesto polaska u slučaju nezgode ili bolesti. Navedena osiguranja mogu se kupiti izravno od osiguravatelja i po izboru Klijenta.

Taboo Travel j.d.o.o. potvrđuje da, sukladno Zakonu, ima uplaćeno Osiguranje od odgovornosti koju prouzroči putniku neispunjenjem, djelomičnim ispunjenjem ili neurednim ispunjenjem obveza za štetu koje se odnose na paket aranžman.
Navedena osiguranja primjenjuju se samo ako je Taboo Travel j.d.o.o. organizator ture/izleta/transfera.


Klijent svoje osobne podatke daje dobrovoljno.

Osobni podaci Klijenta potrebni su za realizaciju tražene usluge i bit će korišteni isključivo od strane Agencije.

Tijekom procesa rezervacije od svih Klijenata Agencije traženi su neki osobni podatci koji se nikada ne dijele s trećom stranom i koristi ih samo Taboo Travel.


Klijent je dužan bez nepotrebnog odgađanja i uzimajući u obzir okolnosti, obavijestiti Agenciju o svim nesukladnostima utvrđenim tijekom izvođenja ture/izleta/transfera.
Agencija se obvezuje sve pritužbe rješavati u skladu s važećim zakonima i ovim Općim uvjetima.

Klijent se poziva da odmah kontaktira svog voditelja putovanja/vodiča ili predstavnika ako je tura/izlet/transfer nepotpun ili izvršen ispod standarda.
Agencija će zahtjeve za povrat smatrati nevažećim, osim ako Agencija nije na vrijeme obaviještena.

Svi zahtjevi za povratom novca moraju biti podneseni Agenciji pismeno, unutar 2 dana od završetka programa na email: info@tabootravel.hr

Klijent ima pravo na povrat u iznosu od realne vrijednosti usluga koje nisu pružene, dok najveći mogući povrat po pritužbi može iznositi punu cijenu programa. Klijent će se odreći prava na idealnu naknadu. Svi mogući sporovi dolaze pod nadležnost Suda u Splitu.


Naručitelj i Agencija nastojat će riješiti eventualne sporove sporazumno. Nepostignuti sporazumi postaju predmetom nadležnosti Suda u Splitu – prema zakonima Republike Hrvatske.

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